It's a Shoe Thang!


Joined 05/28/2012
Last login 08/18/2012

First Name: Shoe
Last Name: Lover303
City: Shoeville
Country: United States
Shoe Size: 9/10
Birth Date:
Website: More about shoelover303...
Total shoes in showcase: 20
Total comments added: 10
Total ratings submitted: 35

About shoelover303

I love shoes and I currently sell shoes on eBay for girls with larger feet. It amazes me when woman say they cant find cute shoes in larger sizes. I wear a 9 or 10, depending on the designer and I currently own over 400 pairs of SEXY, HOT, and CUTE shoes!!!!!

Showcase Shoes From shoelover303

Use the "Previous"/"Next" arrow buttons to page through the shoe pictures. Click a picture to view full showcase information and to submit your comments and rating.

Uploaded 06/09/2012
Rated 4 by 3 members
[Show Me]
Uploaded 06/09/2012
Rated 0 by 0 members
[Show Me]
Heel love!!!!
Uploaded 06/09/2012
Rated 4 by 2 members
[Show Me]
Classic and sleek
Uploaded 06/09/2012
Rated 4.30000019073486 by 3 members
[Show Me]
Strappy Heaven Black and Blue
Uploaded 06/02/2012
Rated 5 by 3 members
[Show Me]
Strappy Heaven
Uploaded 06/02/2012
Rated 0 by 0 members
[Show Me]
Page 1 of 4 | Total Shoes: 20

Shoes Hunted by shoelover303

This member does not have any shoe hunts.

Recent Activity by shoelover303

7/28/2012 8:53:20 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Classic and sleek" (5 shoes)
7/28/2012 8:51:38 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Spot on! Hot in Pink" (5 shoes)
6/25/2012 5:37:12 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated the shoes of the week "Not Rated Carnival Pumps" (4 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:48:21 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes ""COLOR-BLOC"" (5 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:47:26 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes ""CIRCULATE"" (3 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:44:32 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Party Time" (4 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:44:12 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Funky girl" (5 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:43:22 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Today is my BIRTHDAY shoes!" (5 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:42:51 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Smoking Black!" (3 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:42:20 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Boots baby!" (3 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:41:58 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Rosie Toes" (3 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:41:47 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Cinderella" (5 shoes)
6/21/2012 2:41:34 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Flower T" (3 shoes)
6/11/2012 7:10:17 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "It's a Love Thang!" (5 shoes)
6/11/2012 7:08:06 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated the shoes of the week "Mojo Moxy Poppy Pumps" (2 shoes)
6/9/2012 4:38:24 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 uploaded a new picture to the shoe showcase, titled ""Bow"riffic"
6/9/2012 4:35:08 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 uploaded a new picture to the shoe showcase, titled "Color BLOCKED"
6/9/2012 4:31:48 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 uploaded a new picture to the shoe showcase, titled "Heel love!!!!"
6/9/2012 4:26:29 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 uploaded a new picture to the shoe showcase, titled "Classic and sleek"
6/5/2012 3:54:59 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Some Really Hot Pumps" (5 shoes)
6/5/2012 3:53:22 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 commented on member's shoes "Strappy Heaven Black and Blue"
6/3/2012 7:36:13 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "A Cut Above the Rest" (5 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:35:33 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Purple Passion" (2 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:34:57 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Summer fun" (1 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:34:27 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "My Kind of Wedgy" (2 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:33:52 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Sport It UP" (1 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:33:34 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Monkey Business" (1 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:32:56 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Polka Dot Pretty" (5 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:32:08 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "I'm a Little Bit Country, hehehe" (3 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:31:40 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "All tied up" (5 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:31:18 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Ankle-strap Beauties" (4 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:31:04 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Warm Nights Out" (5 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:30:25 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Gem Stones" (5 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:29:58 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Plaid Penny" (3 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:29:24 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Spring Flowers No Showers" (3 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:29:03 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Wedge My Bootie, hehehe" (4 shoes)
6/3/2012 7:28:46 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Furry Kate" (5 shoes)
6/3/2012 5:44:25 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "Zebra with a pop of red patent" (5 shoes)
6/3/2012 5:41:56 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated the shoes of the week "Andrew Gellar Nadya Wedges" (1 shoes)
6/3/2012 5:33:39 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 commented on member's shoes "Naughty but sexy....."
6/3/2012 5:32:32 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 commented on member's shoes "Wild pair"
6/3/2012 5:29:15 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 commented on member's shoes "The leopard obsession continues......."
6/3/2012 5:25:56 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 commented on member's shoes "Purple passion"
6/3/2012 5:25:05 AM - [Show Me] shoelover303 commented on member's shoes "Strappy Heaven Black and Blue"
6/2/2012 5:59:38 PM - [Show Me] shoelover303 rated member's shoes "A pleasant surprise" (5 shoes)
