It's a Shoe Thang!


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Sun, May 15, 2011 01:28:22 PM

walking on sunshine

Every girl needs aleast one pair of yellow shoes wright? So when I got these on-line and they arrived one shoe fit perfect and the other was just a tad tight. I know Less I should of sent them back but I tried something I read about and it was sooo easy. Take a baggie fill about 1/3 full of water, seal, place in shoe, put in freezer for 24 hrs and ahla, stretched just enough and fits perfect. To cool (literally)

Style: Shoe - Sling-Backs
Brand: nine west
Color: yellow
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Member Comments 4 Total

Sun, May 15, 2011 11:23:50 PM
OK girlfriend, it is now mandatory for you to share all shoe fitting tips with me, hahaha. I love it.

Oh and these are fabulous of course. I think they are the perfect shade of yellow, and the wooden heel I just love. I do not have a pair of yellow shoes. I know, you almost fainted right? So, now I have to find a pair, see what you did.

Why don't we live in the same area? I think i know why,'cause we'd never leave the mall.

Mon, May 16, 2011 04:35:23 PM
Oh Less , you are soooo wright. Can you just imagine the damage we could do?

Fri, May 27, 2011 10:13:29 AM
I think these are the perfect shade too. I love your collection choices.

Fri, Jul 15, 2011 05:42:58 PM
Another stunning pair of shoes, a tennis ball is also a good way to stretch shoes that are a bit tight.
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walking on sunshine
Rated 4.5 by 2 members